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These profiles are selected from the most recent 200 followers of @khanacademy (01/20/2014).


The matrix categorizes them based on their self-described roles (students, parents, teachers, or a mix of them) and the internal and external reasons why they are using (if they are using) Khan Academy.

Goal Achiever

Self Grower



1. The Khan-user Matirx

The Vertical Axis


Goal achievers are people who use Khan Academy to improve school performance, gain higher scores in tests or higher ranking in contests. Simply put, they are users with a clear and specific goal. 


Self Growers use Khan Academy to learn what they are interested in and do not necessarily have a quantitative goal. They look for self-fulfilment in the learning process.



The Horizontal Axis


The learner-educator axis is the spectrum ranging from "using Khan Academy only for internal reasons" to "using Khan Academy only for external reasons." 


Learners are direct users who learn on the platform for themselves. Educators are people who use the platform to supervise others' learning performance due to external factors. For example, their own career goal. Family are people who use Khanacademy for the learners' benefit. They are driven by internal factors.

2. User Persona Analysis


Pink Zone (bottom-left): Young Professionals (aged 23+)


  • Success: realzing self-worth; career success

  • Pain points: difficulties in learning or career

  • Value: being outstanding (both in work and in life); time spent with friends and family for common interests


Blue Zone (top-right): School Teachers


  • Success: students consistently perform well in contests

  • Pain points: students lose interest/confidence in the discipline they teach

  • Value: students' love and accomplishments


Green Zone (bottom-right): Social Educators


  • Success: students find their paths; realizing self-worth

  • Pain points: the traditional education system that has yet to be revamped

  • Value: opportunities when they can inspire


Middle Zone: Parents


  • Success: children find their passion and strengths

  • Pain points: children give up trying or stop making effort

  • Value: children's well-being


Orange Zone (top-left): K11-18 Students (aged14-22)


  • Success: enrollment into a "good" school; reputation of being "cool" among peers

  • Pain points: being weak at a certain discipline; not given the chance (except serious tests or formal contests) to demonstrate their strengths

  • Value: high score/ranking in contests, relationship with friends and schoolmates


"SAT Combatant"



"Incurable learning addict."



"I learn from my 12 yo everyday"



"I teach w/

heart and tech."



"Lifelong teacher

and student."


I use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Vine.

I want to join in something rad and viral, so everyone can see how splendid a biologist and comedian I am.

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest... and I can't stop checking my inbox!

I want to create something fun and meaningful with my friend Lyne. She's married herself to Physics.

Of course we want spectators.

I tweet. I write blogs. I enjoy making short movies of my son Matt.

I always want to learn from more seasoned parents, and I'd like to share what I'm learning as a father.

I spend two hours per day reading and replying emails. I watch TED talks and educational videos online.

I'm interested in technology for education. Tech empowers teachers and their classrooms.

I use what my students use and that's how I keep up with the everchanging social media world.

I'd like to work on interesting projects together with my students.

For family and teachers >>


Family and teachers are interested in making smarter and better use of the eLearning technology. They also want to learn more about the future trend in education and its correlation to themselves. They are convinced by facts, successful case studies, and opinion leaders. Word-of-mouth, storytelling, and informative webinars will appeal to them. 














3. How to engage these groups? 

For students and young professionals >>


In order to appeal to students and young professionals, Khan Academy needs a social, electrifying, and subject-related contest that helps them self-identify as “knowledgeable hipster,” individuate themselves, or foster their collaboration with peers.


The contest will attach a fun and educational experience to Khan Academy; as a result, will further the engagement with the existing users and bring in prospective users.














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