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Khan Hangouts
Khan Embassy

Khan Embassy is a program designed to raise awareness and attract new mentor users by word-of-mouth and storytelling. The ambassadors will be selected among the current parent and teacher users.


The candidates need to meet the following criteria:


  • Love Khan Academy and passionate about sharing information

  • Savvy users of the platform

  • Update their blogs, Youtube channels, or other owned social media on a regular basis

  • The content that they create shows a tendency to drive robust engagement


After joining Khan Embassy, they will


  • Post about their Khan learning journey with their children/students, tips on better integrate Khan into the curriculums or family activities, or opinions on news about Ed-Tech or eLearning

  • Submit one of their best works bimonthly to Khan, which will be published on the Khan Academy’s blog

  • (Optional) Organize Google Hangout with new parent/teacher users on using the platform


Khan ambassadors, who are dedicated and generate high-quality content and vivid engagement will be invited to join the Khan Hangouts live.

What's in it

Salman Khan will host Google Hangouts on Air once in every three months. Each time he will exchange ideas with one opinion leader in the Ed-Tech and eLearning field. Panelists might include Ken Robinson, Sugata Mitra, and Nicholas Negroponte.


What follows the discussion section is a 10-minute question section. Questions are collected in advance from the community. The Khan Embassy representatives will ask questions to the panel.

Panelist Profiles

Source: screenshots captured from TED speaker profiles

Khan Embassy & Hangouts



These two programs are designed to appeal to family and teacher users. 

Through Khan Embassy, existing users will bring in prospective users through word-of-mouth and storytelling. Khan Hangouts will keep the current community engaged and attract new users.


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